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Essay Pro Reviews: The Unfortunate Downsides of Working There










You start your day as a nurse and end it being a hospitality manager. That’s the life of an EssayPro writer in a nutshell. In the span of a single day, you assume up to five different guises and try not to lose your marbles in the process. For some customers, you are a grizzled engineer; for others, you are a young educator with a Ph.D. You are always pretending.

There is little fun in it.

Let me be clear: working for EssayPro beats freelancing. Not because the company is so cool, but rather because freelancing sucks so hard. I mean, shoveling coal in hell is more rewarding than chasing unpaid invoices. So, yeah, in this regard academic writing at EssayPro beats the living crap out of freelancing. And if you don’t mind working from home, you might even like it. However, don’t jump at the chance quite yet.

Enter my academic writing world for a minute or two (it’s okay, I’ve just vacuumed) to understand how it feels to work at EssayPro.

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Ex-Employee of EssayPro Reviews the Hiring Process

EssayPro is like Uber for academic writing. It will hire just about anyone and pay accordingly.

EssayPro positions itself as an A-level player on the market: “We employ the best professionals.” Whereas, in reality, one has a better chance of showering in M&Ms rain than hiring an experienced writer there. Pro in EssayPro definitely stands for something but professionalism it is not. Unfortunately, I discovered it only after joying their writing team. Here’s how it happened.

I always wanted to write. The unfortunate downside of being an aspiring writer is that people don’t want to pay you to write the things you want to write. Therefore, I started writing things others want to write but don’t have the requisite skills to do so themselves. And in this particular case, I wrote for students.

The hiring process at EssayPro was, and probably is, pretty simple. An applicant has to prove their language and research skills by writing a short paper. I crafted an essay on Lord of the Flies (no, I’m not kidding). Someone had read the three pages of my musings about savagery and sent me a job offer. I was in.

Is Essay Pro Legit?

Yes, it is. EssayPro is not another work-from-home scam preying on gullible people. The company’s operations may be deemed not entirely ethical, but it’s another matter altogether.

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Money at Essay Pro

I was wooed by promises of flexible hours and upward mobility. I liked the idea of being a freelance writer because I could make money with a minimum amount of customer interaction, which is something I had started to hate after two years in retail.

Unfortunately, that was not the case. Working hours were inflexible and customers even more so. But hey – the money was coming in. I mean trickling in. EssayPro lures customers with jaw-droppingly low prices. Those willing to wait can get a paper for only $10 a page. Naturally, writers are underpaid.

EssayPro appropriates the lion’s share of customers’ money leaving writers with miserly crumbs. Luckily, the majority of college goers forgets about their papers until the last moment, which means more urgent orders for me. And those are expensive. Students fork out boatloads of money for papers written at the eleventh hour. Sometimes it’s $25 per page; other times it’s whopping $40 per page. I don’t know what I would do if more students had their stuff together.

EssayPro offered me a simple way to generate some income from the comfort of my couch and enrich the company owners in the process. I worked my fingers off, and EssayPro were taking most of the money. So what does it tell us about the EssayPro business model? It tells us that it’s an awful agency. That’s was one reason why I quit. Are you sitting comfortably? Then, read about other reasons.

Working Process

I had zero help or respect from EssayPro’s editing team. Nada. Those guys were the worst. The editors evinced no desire to learn citation styles. And they were the ultimate authority on the subject. It means that I constantly had to haggle with them over minute details of citation formatting.

Now, customers. Intuiting desires of clients who were as articulate as drunk stutterers was a challenge:

“Dear righter!!! I soon need submit a 3 page please. Please write soon books I can sent you. Only peer-review and no books!!! I want good English and APA please.”

I think Alan Turing had an easier time cracking the Enigma machine code than I had deciphering messages from customers.


Go ahead and join EssayPro writing team. You will absolutely like moving back in with your parents. Why? Because you won’t have enough money to make your rent payments on time. If you are not thrilled about the prospect of parents barging into your room, then look for other writing companies. There are many essay agencies with higher salaries and friendlier colleagues.

Bottom line: I had a litany of reasons to quit EssayPro and rate it at 4.7 out of 10.

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